Wednesday 8 October 2014

Target Audience

You must consider the potential target audience for your trailer carefully by carrying out market research.

1. Consider the traditional target audience for the film genre that you have chosen by finding out who they are (the demographic), what their interests are (the psychographic), and how you can make your product appealing to them. Think about the following aspects of your target audience:

· Gender

· Age

· Class

· Interests

· Favourite films

· Other interests

· Other factors that you think are important

2. You will need to complete an initial questionnaire to find out about the target audience for your film trailer.

3. Use the internet to research the target audience for similar film trailers to your own.

4. Complete a second questionnaire and or focus group to get feedback on your storyboard or animatic.

5. You must complete detailed summaries of each piece of audience research that you do and explain how this information will help you create your product.

All of the information that you find out should be posted on your blog. Use a range of different methods to present your findings:

· Prezi

· SildeShare

· Videos

· Other internet software that is appropriate for the task