Wednesday 12 November 2014

Blog Checklist - November 2014

You must make sure that you keep your blog up to date with all of the research and planning that you carry out for the Advanced Production.

By November/December you should have completed and uploaded the following evidence for research and planning:

  • Your original plot synopsis
  • The group plot synopsis
  • Analysis of the codes and conventions of genre films (x3)
  • Analysis of the codes and conventions of trailers (x3)
  • Youtube links to videos
  • Storyboard (Slideshare)
  • Audience research - questionnaires
  • Audience research - evluation of results
  • Audience research - profile/moodboard
  • Information about classification
  • Secondary research - critical theory about your chosen genre
  • Information about costumes and props (photographs)
  • Information about actors (photographs)
  • Information about setting - location shots
  • Health and safety checks/authorisation to use locations
  • The animatic
  • Focus group response to animatic
  • Interviews with target audience
  • Any other ideas that you might use to show evidence of research and planning

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